ReCALL - Because you can

Author: Svend Gundestup Shortcuts:
Press "Up", gets you back to the category
Press "Down", starts learn
During learning:
Press: "Up", gets you back to the pile
Press: "Down", to see the anwser
Press: "Right", to see next card
Press: "Left", to see previours card
Cards (19)| Reads: 36721
- Pædiatriske Vurdering
- Cirkulations volume
- vægt/alder (fra 1-10år)
- tube typer til børn
- normal værdier børn (respiration)
- cyanose
- respirations svigt
- respirations svigt (tegn)
- shock måder
- shock typer
- shock kompensation
- shock væske test
- shock væske behandling
- kredsløbssvigt (mulige hints)
- ilt gives?
- BLS sekvens
- Åben luftveje nyfødt/barn
- Kompressions sekvens nyfødt/barn